Monday 12 September 2011

Are we thankful?

As Londoners, we seem to have an intolerance for patience. Whether we have to wait an extra five minutes for the bus or ten at Subway, we are always grumbling that the services provided are not fast enough. We are impatient for the weekend or for school to finish. And with the advances of modern technology, this generation has access to mostly everything at a touch of a few buttons. From online banking to online grocery shopping, we seem to blessed indeed. Yet we are not satisfied with life, we always have problems that depresses us.

But do we realise how lucky we are? If we take just five minutes from out busy day, (just 5 minutes from 24 hours), to leave behind what is wrong with our lives and focus on what is RIGHT, we will realise just how thankful we should be. For starters, we have our eyes to see with, ears to hear, nose and mouth while others are blind or deaf. We have legs to take us places, arms and hands while others have missing limbs. So if you think you are entitled to these, think again, because whether you believe in God or not, you could easily be the person with the deficient hearing or severed limb. Even if you're not thankful about the long list of man-made conveniences that we enjoy while many of out fellow humans who are not living in the West do not have, be thankful of the body you have.

Because without our senses and our limbs, where would we be today?

"And endure patiently, your patience is not but from Allah" (Quran 16:127)
