Sunday 9 October 2011

The Origin of Life

I was reading this book and the author's explanation made such an impact on me that I had to share some excerpts. The book is a compilation of the various lectures given by the author. 

"With our science and Encyclopeadias, we are apt to forget the Divineness, in those laboratories of ours" - Thomas Carlyle

"And You biologists who seem to have your fingers in all organic life, and yet have he temerity to deny the existence of the Source of that Life, i.e. God: tell me, according to your vaunted research; where and how did life originate?"

Like his 'unbelieving' astronomer companion in science, he too begins - "Well, billions of years ago primeval matter in the sea began to generate protoplasm out of which came the amoeba; and out of that mire in the sea cam all living things. In one word ALL LIFE came from the sea, i.e. Water!"

"And when did you discover this fact that all living things came from water?" The answer is no different from that of his fellow scientist the astronomer - "Yesterday!" "No man of learning, no philosopher or poet could ever have guessed your biological discovery fourteen centuries back, could he?" we ask, and our biologist is as emphatic as the astronomer. "No, never!" says he. "Well, then, you just listen to this untutored son of the desert!"

« ..And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? » - Holy Quran 21:30

The above statement is further elaborated in the Book of God:

« And Allah has created every animal from water: of them there are some that creep in their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills; for verily Allah has power over all things » - Holy Quran 24:45

It will not be difficult for you to note that these words of the Omnipotent Omniscient Creator of the universe were addressed for YOU men of knowledge in answer to you scepticism TODAY. The real import was beyond the dwellers of the desert fourteen centuries ago.The Author (God Almighty) is reasoning with YOU, you men of science, how can YOU not believe in God? You should be the last to deny His existence and yet you are the First! What sickness has overtaken you that you allow your egos to overshadow your sense of logic?

And to the botanists and zoologists and the physicists who, despite their amazing insight into the nature of things, refuse to acknowledge a Master Creator. Let them then account for these utterances of Muhammad (pbuh) the mouthpiece of God.

Glory be to Him (God Almighty) Who created in pairs* all things that which the earth produces (the vegetable kingdom) as well as their own (human) kind (the animal kingdom) and other things of which they have no knowledge (like of physics)” - Holy Quran 36:36

* “created in pairs” - ' the mystery of sex runs through all creation, - in man, in animal ife, in vegetable life, and in other things of which we have no knowledge. Then there are pairs of opposite forces in nature, e.g. positive and negative electricity, etc. 
The atom itself consists of a positively charged nucleus/proton surrounded by negatively charged electrons. The constitution of matter itself is thus referred to as pairs of opposite energies'

The above excerpt was taken from The Choice by Ahmed Deedat

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Monday 12 September 2011

Are we thankful?

As Londoners, we seem to have an intolerance for patience. Whether we have to wait an extra five minutes for the bus or ten at Subway, we are always grumbling that the services provided are not fast enough. We are impatient for the weekend or for school to finish. And with the advances of modern technology, this generation has access to mostly everything at a touch of a few buttons. From online banking to online grocery shopping, we seem to blessed indeed. Yet we are not satisfied with life, we always have problems that depresses us.

But do we realise how lucky we are? If we take just five minutes from out busy day, (just 5 minutes from 24 hours), to leave behind what is wrong with our lives and focus on what is RIGHT, we will realise just how thankful we should be. For starters, we have our eyes to see with, ears to hear, nose and mouth while others are blind or deaf. We have legs to take us places, arms and hands while others have missing limbs. So if you think you are entitled to these, think again, because whether you believe in God or not, you could easily be the person with the deficient hearing or severed limb. Even if you're not thankful about the long list of man-made conveniences that we enjoy while many of out fellow humans who are not living in the West do not have, be thankful of the body you have.

Because without our senses and our limbs, where would we be today?

"And endure patiently, your patience is not but from Allah" (Quran 16:127)


Monday 20 June 2011


1.Three baby beetroots = 1 of your five portion of daily fruit and vegetables.

2. The roots are high in anthocyanins, which is a strong antioxidants.

3. They are also a great source of beta-carotene, vitamin A, B6 and C.

4. This beautiful red root may also be good for your bones as it containsthe mineral silica which helps your body to absord calcium
5. It provides carbohydrates, protein and soluble fibre, and the best possibly the best part is, it's virtually fat free and low in calories!

Oh yh, and it's delicious! Bon appetit :)

Thursday 9 June 2011

My take on fitness

My fitness 'journey' began a couple of years ago. Initially I started in order to lose a few extra pounds but I hated every minute of it, which of course lead to me often giving up easily. After a few weeks, I would somehow talk myself into starting to work out again, but again, I would give up soon after. You get the picture - vicious circle. 

However, somewhere along the way I started to enjoy it. It wasn't so much that I was seeing results, but I was getting the post workout energy buzz. When I say I love working out, I don't mean it in a crazy-need-to-workout-every-minute kinda way, it's more because I can feel (and see) the benefits of it. So I got serious.

I don't believe in obssessing over the scales. Frankly, because I think one can find something more productive to do that freak out over piling on 2lbs overnight, which turns out to be just water. Of course, I understand that it might help some people on their weight-loss journey, the scale I mean, not the freaking out part. Saying that one should be an "average" weight is a somwhat narrow-mided view because we are all different and our weight, shapes and sizes differ greatly due to race, activity levels, body shapes etc. Therefore I prefer to monitor my progress through body fat percentage. In general the healthy body fat percentage of women is between 17% - 24% , this varies slightly depending on race. This takes into account those look slim but have a high body fat percentage and will give you a better idea of how healthy you are exactly.

As a women, we hold on to more fat naturally, and we need this to maintain a regulated menstrual cycle and of course during pregnancy. Some of us are naturally blessed with curves in the right places and others work diligently to maintain a lean physique. Whatever your shape though, the best way forward is to accept your blessed and not-so-blessed bits and work towards being in the best shape that YOU can be.

Since January, my body fat percentage has gone down 5% . Yaaay! I'm very pleased, specially since I didn't give up chocolate. Oh yh, did I mention that am a chocoholic? My main meals tend to be healthy most of the time, I don't have a problem with that, but I can't seem to be able to kick the chocolate habit, maybe because deep down I don't really want to...

Monday 6 June 2011


This blog will be my thoughts on various things that catches my interest. Apart from university essays, I haven't written for a while, I expect my writing muscles are a bit rusty but hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon.

I am slightly obssesed with fitness and yoga, so I will probably be writing about living a healthy lifestyle. I am currently hooked on Sadie Nardini's Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga. I have a passion for baking and chocolates and yes, this often conflicts with my fitness obssesions.

Being a Muslimah in the West has it's trials but I suspect everyone faces challenges and disciminations in one way or another from those who are ignorant or unwilling to open their mind , we just have to try our best to overcome those obstacles and live our lives.


Sunday 5 June 2011


Rushed out onto the lawn
Into the biting air at the crack of dawn
I gulp down the morning air
Trying to surmount the feeling of despair
I use to pride myself in my cautiousness
Yet, looking back, I can only see thoughtlessness
And I believe I'm strong?
Where did that go wrong?
Who have I been deceiving?
Everyone else or myself?
Hurting part of you, albeit inadvertently
Will torment you awfully
So next time before you act
Think twice and then think again
What are you doing and what will you gain?
Because the last thing you want is to cause more pain


It’s funny how many surprises time holds
We expect the unexpected and embraces unfamiliarity as life unfolds
Your response to circumstances leaves me dazed and mystified
I thought that I grew up but you humbled me back to reality, stupefied
Who does that reflection belong to?
I used to be resilient through and through
But somewhere along the way I got caught
In a web of lies and pretence, but a lesson needed to be taught
To be set free I need to find myself
So easy to say but that’s a fight in itself
’Cos in this maze, it’s easy to lose your path
And to find it again is arduous and almost unachievable
I’m afraid I might never get there
I take a step back and stare
Who I was and who I’ve become
I need to get out of here