Thursday 9 June 2011

My take on fitness

My fitness 'journey' began a couple of years ago. Initially I started in order to lose a few extra pounds but I hated every minute of it, which of course lead to me often giving up easily. After a few weeks, I would somehow talk myself into starting to work out again, but again, I would give up soon after. You get the picture - vicious circle. 

However, somewhere along the way I started to enjoy it. It wasn't so much that I was seeing results, but I was getting the post workout energy buzz. When I say I love working out, I don't mean it in a crazy-need-to-workout-every-minute kinda way, it's more because I can feel (and see) the benefits of it. So I got serious.

I don't believe in obssessing over the scales. Frankly, because I think one can find something more productive to do that freak out over piling on 2lbs overnight, which turns out to be just water. Of course, I understand that it might help some people on their weight-loss journey, the scale I mean, not the freaking out part. Saying that one should be an "average" weight is a somwhat narrow-mided view because we are all different and our weight, shapes and sizes differ greatly due to race, activity levels, body shapes etc. Therefore I prefer to monitor my progress through body fat percentage. In general the healthy body fat percentage of women is between 17% - 24% , this varies slightly depending on race. This takes into account those look slim but have a high body fat percentage and will give you a better idea of how healthy you are exactly.

As a women, we hold on to more fat naturally, and we need this to maintain a regulated menstrual cycle and of course during pregnancy. Some of us are naturally blessed with curves in the right places and others work diligently to maintain a lean physique. Whatever your shape though, the best way forward is to accept your blessed and not-so-blessed bits and work towards being in the best shape that YOU can be.

Since January, my body fat percentage has gone down 5% . Yaaay! I'm very pleased, specially since I didn't give up chocolate. Oh yh, did I mention that am a chocoholic? My main meals tend to be healthy most of the time, I don't have a problem with that, but I can't seem to be able to kick the chocolate habit, maybe because deep down I don't really want to...


  1. No don't give up chocolate, it is one of the only pure unadulterated pleasure in life, why would you do that? If that makes you feel better dark chocolate has a lot of antioxidants, but i am sure that you know already.

  2. I couldn't have described it better! "pure unadulterated pleasure" ;)
